Products: WP54AG, WP54G, WPP54AG, WPP54G get operation list ================== Get tasks – list the all active process/tasks in the sytem Get sysinfo – detailed system information, includes wireless card real mac address Get aplist – list the neighbor ap Get athstats – list the wireless driver information Get brinfo – list bridge information, include interface Get brmacshow – list bridge mac address list Get bssinfo --- list the current radio information, corresponding to the web page statistics first line. Get channel – obtain the current used channel Get chanlist – list wireless channels available Get ieee80211stats – list ieee80211 protocol statistics Get routeshow –list the routing table information Get stalist -- list the associated station information in AP mode Get user – list the user information Get linkinfo -- list the client link information Get macstats – list the wireless mac information Get opmode – list the current used operation mode Get wmode – list the current wireless mode(a/b/g) Get txpower – obtain the current Tx power level (auto, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , 20, full, min) Get antswitch – information abou antena connector (WP54AG: 0 - diversity 1 - MAIN 2 - AUX , WP54G: 0 - diversity 1 - AUX 2 - MAIN) set operation list ================== Set factorydefault – restore the configutration to the factory default Reboot – warm reboot the system Save the configuration commit will save the current configuration. Most of commands require reboot to take effect /* long range*/ Set outdoor Set distance Set acktimeout Set ctstimeout Set slottimeout /* tx power */ Set txpower Txt – auto, 1, 2, 3, 4, … , 17, full, min /* tx rate */ Set txrate Txt – for a band, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54, auto For b/g mixed, 1, 2, 5,5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54, auto For b only, 1, 2, 5.5, 11, auto /* wireless mode */ Set wirelessmode Txt –- auto, 11a, 11b, 11g, pureg, superg, supera /* Boolean like operation */ set autochannelselect Enable/disable set hidessid enable/disable set radio_off_eth_down enable/disable set outdoor enable/disable set compression enable/disable set ff enable/disable set burst enable/disable /* WEP key */ WEP KEY. At first, set key method. Set keyentrymethod hex/ascii Then Set key Set default key Set key default /* add/del user */ To add user Set user < [-r|-w] > username To deleter user Set user –d username /* country code */ {0, "NA" }, {CTRY_ALBANIA, "AL" }, {CTRY_ALGERIA, "DZ" }, {CTRY_ARGENTINA, "AR" }, {CTRY_ARMENIA, "AM" }, {CTRY_AUSTRALIA, "AU" }, {CTRY_AUSTRIA, "AT" }, {CTRY_AZERBAIJAN, "AZ" }, {CTRY_BAHRAIN, "BH" }, {CTRY_BELARUS, "BY" }, {CTRY_BELGIUM, "BE" }, {CTRY_BELIZE, "BZ" }, {CTRY_BOLIVIA, "BO" }, {CTRY_BRAZIL, "BR" }, {CTRY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM, "BN" }, {CTRY_BULGARIA, "BG" }, {CTRY_CANADA, "CA" }, {CTRY_CHILE, "CL" }, {CTRY_CHINA, "CN" }, {CTRY_COLOMBIA, "CO" }, {CTRY_COSTA_RICA, "CR" }, {CTRY_CROATIA, "HR" }, {CTRY_CYPRUS, "CY" }, {CTRY_CZECH, "CZ" }, {CTRY_DENMARK, "DK" }, {CTRY_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC, "DO" }, {CTRY_ECUADOR, "EC" }, {CTRY_EGYPT, "EG" }, {CTRY_EL_SALVADOR, "SV" }, {CTRY_ESTONIA, "EE" }, {CTRY_FINLAND, "FI" }, {CTRY_FRANCE, "FR" }, {CTRY_FRANCE2, "F2" }, {CTRY_GEORGIA, "GE" }, {CTRY_GERMANY, "DE" }, {CTRY_GREECE, "GR" }, {CTRY_GUATEMALA, "GT" }, {CTRY_HONDURAS, "HN" }, {CTRY_HONG_KONG, "HK" }, {CTRY_HUNGARY, "HU" }, {CTRY_ICELAND, "IS" }, {CTRY_INDIA, "IN" }, {CTRY_INDONESIA, "ID" }, {CTRY_IRAN, "IR" }, {CTRY_IRELAND, "IE" }, {CTRY_ISRAEL, "IL" }, {CTRY_ITALY, "IT" }, {CTRY_JAPAN, "JP" }, {CTRY_JAPAN1, "J1" }, {CTRY_JAPAN2, "J2" }, {CTRY_JAPAN3, "J3" }, {CTRY_JAPAN4, "J4" }, {CTRY_JAPAN5, "J5" }, {CTRY_JAPAN6, "J6" }, {CTRY_JORDAN, "JO" }, {CTRY_KAZAKHSTAN, "KZ" }, {CTRY_KOREA_NORTH, "KP" }, {CTRY_KOREA_ROC, "KR" }, {CTRY_KOREA_ROC2, "K2" }, {CTRY_KOREA_ROC3, "K3" }, {CTRY_KUWAIT, "KW" }, {CTRY_LATVIA, "LV" }, {CTRY_LEBANON, "LB" }, {CTRY_LIECHTENSTEIN, "LI" }, {CTRY_LITHUANIA, "LT" }, {CTRY_LUXEMBOURG, "LU" }, {CTRY_MACAU, "MO" }, {CTRY_MACEDONIA, "MK" }, {CTRY_MALAYSIA, "MY" }, {CTRY_MALTA, "MT" }, {CTRY_MEXICO, "MX" }, {CTRY_MONACO, "MC" }, {CTRY_MOROCCO, "MA" }, {CTRY_NETHERLANDS, "NL" }, {CTRY_NEW_ZEALAND, "NZ" }, {CTRY_NORWAY, "NO" }, {CTRY_OMAN, "OM" }, {CTRY_PAKISTAN, "PK" }, {CTRY_PANAMA, "PA" }, {CTRY_PERU, "PE" }, {CTRY_PHILIPPINES, "PH" }, {CTRY_POLAND, "PL" }, {CTRY_PORTUGAL, "PT" }, {CTRY_PUERTO_RICO, "PR" }, {CTRY_QATAR, "QA" }, {CTRY_ROMANIA, "RO" }, {CTRY_RUSSIA, "RU" }, {CTRY_SAUDI_ARABIA, "SA" }, {CTRY_SINGAPORE, "SG" }, {CTRY_SLOVAKIA, "SK" }, {CTRY_SLOVENIA, "SI" }, {CTRY_SOUTH_AFRICA, "ZA" }, {CTRY_SPAIN, "ES" }, {CTRY_SWEDEN, "SE" }, {CTRY_SWITZERLAND, "CH" }, {CTRY_SYRIA, "SY" }, {CTRY_TAIWAN, "TW" }, {CTRY_THAILAND, "TH" }, {CTRY_TRINIDAD_Y_TOBAGO, "TT" }, {CTRY_TUNISIA, "TN" }, {CTRY_TURKEY, "TR" }, {CTRY_UKRAINE, "UA" }, {CTRY_UAE, "AE" }, {CTRY_UNITED_KINGDOM, "GB" }, {CTRY_UNITED_STATES, "US" }, {CTRY_URUGUAY, "UY" }, {CTRY_UZBEKISTAN, "UZ" }, {CTRY_VENEZUELA, "VE" }, {CTRY_VIET_NAM, "VN" }, {CTRY_YEMEN, "YE" }, {CTRY_ZIMBABWE, "ZW" }, Set countrycode For example Set countrycode US /* channel */ Set channel /* ssid */ Set ssid /* closed system */ Set hidessid enable/disable /* per node */ Set apbridge enable/disable /* rts/fragment/ beacon interval */ Set rts Set fragment Set beaconintval Set dtim